Tuesday 10 July 2007

Around Bangkok

Let's hear it for The King of Thailand. Yellow is the colour you wear on Monday to show respect for the King.

Some wear it all week, around 70% of people wear yellow on Monday.

Maybe we could wear black in Australia..to show "something" towards John Howard.

Who said sport and politics can't mix.

Here comes my boat. From hotel to friends place, boat is the way to go. Traffic in Bangkok is awesome, once. And then it's time to sit back and wait while your taxi moves, or not as the case may be.

Never leave your house before 9am. Always get home by 4pm and go out again at 9pm and you'll get to move a bit.

Outside The Socceroos very big and very posh hotel a game of Thai football was going on. Like players the world over they were determined to put one over on their mates in front of the media from Australia.

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