Friday, 6 July 2007

Aussies to get $110,000 each from Football Fed.Australia

There is no money for the winners of the Asia Cup!

Did you know this?

I think the AFC have spent it all on their hotel accommodation. (see previous post)

but equally puzzling, to me, is the fact that the Aussies are set to earn $110,000 each.

Presumably this comes from Football Federation Australia.

Just seems a few questions should be asked.

Hw come the players, the few that earn reportedly more than this a week, how come they take it?

And secondly with the FFA unable to fund a women's league, a youth league, and looking to chop the AIS programme, how come they have to offer $11o,ooo x 23; plus Arnie and co must be on a bonus.

Let's hope we come second, we'll be quids in:)

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