Saturday, 7 July 2007

Guess who was the first writer at the Asia Cup?

Well, I've made it.

Thai photographer, Bank, took this shot.
At 11am I walk into the stadium to be greeted by Tun the AFC Media man.
"Eamonn, we have your tickets....later."
"Am I in the Mixed zone, and Press Conferences?" I plead!
"Yes, you are. We just gave you the Press Conferences access, we thought standing in the Mixed Zone would be too much for you."
A quick rant about letting me make that decision and Tun agreed.
I'm in. The Press Centre is empty 6 and a half hours before kick-off...apart from me.
And I have a special seat number in the Press Zone for the actual match in the stadium.
"No-one can take your seat, we've set it up specially." Said Tun
Tun I could kiss him. In the middle of all their planning and organisation the guy has taken the time to make my reporting happen.

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