Tuesday, 10 July 2007

It's not such a bad job, I suppose.

How much would you give to be here?

After the hard interviews, well I interviewed Carl Valeri today, I thought I deserved some (more) down time. Interviewing Carl is more like a chat with a mate, but there you go.

I just had to find a pool to cool off.

The Royal Orchid is a very posh hotel, for a lad from Burton-on-Trent, with a pool. The sort of place Socceroos stay but not lads from Burton.

Carl had to go to his room at 2pm, as all good athletes should after training all morning. Socceroos are told to rest and keep out of the sun between 2 and 4pm.

So the pool was empty, and as luck would have it I had my bathers, swimmers or even togs, depending on where you are from.

So with tight security around the pool I managed to blarney my way in.

Back again tomorrow I guess!

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