Urgent phone call from Mark Viduka...cancelled

About 5pm last night I received an urgent message from the FFA.
Very big announcement re:Socceroos tomorrow. Teleconference at 6am
Nothing more nothing less.
I had two thoughts.
Could I be bothered getting out of bed, I'm in Canberra, its cold and a I just love my bed!
Second thought: What could it be? It had to be something from Europe, at that time of day.
Viduka, to be captain? Lowy to announce new coach, Kewell, what to play, hardly worth getting everyone out of bed for.
And then FFA inform me, just ten minutes, later that its all cancelled, forget it, stay in bed....
And this morning Viduka has come out of retirement and plays.
I didn't know he was retired? Didn't he play against China? Wasn't he named in the squad?
Anyway I got to stay in bed, and Viduka plays. All good:)
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